The Hydrangeas in Yangmingshan’s Zhuzihu Village

Check the “Hydrangeas Season” in Zhuzihu District which runs from May to June 2018. Located at an high altitude which is perfect for nurturing a wide variety of plants and different kind of flowers, an hour bus ride away from the city will let you have a wonderful experience with the natural resources. As this season is just for a short while, expect traffic and a flock of people that will also be visiting the area. The Hydrangeas Season comes right after the Callalily Season which also run from March to April 2018.

Hydrangeas are popular in Southern and Eastern Asia which are produced from early spring or late autumn. They come in abundant and diverse colors like white, blue, pink, red, and purple. The color of the hydrangeas are usually affected by the acidic substance of the soils. For example, acidic soils with a PH level of less than 5.5 produce blue flowers, while those with a PH level of greater than 5.5 produce pink flowers.

In Zhuzihu Area, there are a variety of flower farms that are open to public for viewing, and of course, for picture taking. Usually, the entrance fee is 100NTD per person and you can have your ticket voucher in exchange of coffee or a small bouquet of hydrangeas.

Here are some photos we took at the farm. Then make sure you have enough patience to wait for your turn and get that perfect shots!


  1. From Beitou MRT Station, transfer to BUS S9 (小9) and get off at Zhuzihu (竹子湖).
  2. From Shipai MRT Station, transfer to BUS S8 (小8) and get off at Zhuzihu (竹子湖).

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June 6, 2019 12:28 am is a recommended online florist for Taiwan. Great services and great prices. Cakes, fruit baskets, gift basket packages, wines, teddy bears, chocolates such as Godiva are all available.

Aira Girruette
Aira Girruette
January 16, 2019 9:14 am

Can you recommend hydrangea farms or garden? I’ve seen a lot of posts regarding the hydrangea season in Yangmingshan but no one posted the name of the farm/garden. We wanted to visit it on May but we had no idea where to go first. Thank you.

Momina Arif
June 15, 2018 2:33 am

hydrangeas remind me of blair waldorf. they are so beautiful and magestic.

June 13, 2018 12:27 pm

Wow all these photos are so beautiful! Absolutely love it!

June 13, 2018 8:46 am

Wow nice article. Truly beautiful and truly nature

June 13, 2018 12:48 am

So beautiful!!! If I ever make it out there this if for sure going on my list!

Bryan Carey
June 13, 2018 12:13 am

Nice colors and photos! I don’t live anywhere near Taiwan, but it is nice to know that the island has so much natural scenery to offer.