Millennials nowadays invest a lot in traveling, whether they go into groups, on solo, or with their loved ones. Especially with the presence of social media, more and more people travel. Even though they earn less, they still find ways to visit the countries or places they have on their bucket list and I can say, Anj and I are part of these millennials.
When we started dating in 2011, we never really dreamt of being able to travel as we were already contented with what we have. Binge watching movies and talking all night were already enough for us to feel that spark of love from each other. However, it all changed when we both came to study in Taiwan. It felt really good to explore a distant place you’ve never been to with your partner. That’s the time we made a decision to travel the world together and exploring Taiwan and our home country, the Philippines, are the firsts of that long list.
Whereas many people our age choose to get married and build a family, we choose to work full-time, save money, travel, and develop our relationship. Traveling together make us more mature and help us understand more of each other. Here are 5 advantages of traveling together based from our experiences.

1. Knowing each other better
This is one of the obvious advantages when you travel with your partner. Traveling together lets you know your partner a lot better than you knew him/her before. You can pay close attention on how he/she handles or reacts towards a certain situation while in the road together. For instance, I found out that when we go for shopping, she makes sure that the price we’re paying is already the lowest or the last price. She’s really good at bargaining like when you thought it is impossible for her to convince the seller in lowering the price, but surprisingly she always succeeded. Through traveling, you can actually learn a lot from each other and you’ll going to see your partner for who he/she truly is.

2. Better photos of yourself
Encountering a breathtaking scenery behind you and you got no one to take a photo for you is very frustrating, then all you can do is to shot on arm’s length unless you’re carrying a Go Pro or a monopod. But, you can have lots of great photos of yourself in such beautiful locations when you are with your partner. Though we admit that we still have a lot of things to learn when it comes to photography techniques, doing some trial and error shots are out of the question as no one will scold you for taking a photo for too long (just to get that perfect shot) or maybe a little. It works both ways.

3. Creating more memories together
Of course, one of the greatest advantages of traveling with your partner is you can have someone to share your experiences with and creating new memories that will forever be engraved into your lives. There is nothing better than witnessing a beautiful sunset or visiting picturesque places with the person you love. Sometimes, when I travel alone and going to some new places without her, I always thought to myself, “How I wish she was here with me”. But now I am traveling with her, we built a lot of memories together to talk about and hopefully it will continue in the succeeding years to come.

4. Sharing of responsibilities
When it comes to traveling, we have to consider that each of us have our own strengths and weaknesses, and because of this, you can share responsibilities with your partner that will take a little bit of pressure off your shoulder. While on the road, she usually depends on me on which way to go, on what train or bus to ride as I am good at maps and she’s not. I am also the one in charge of budgeting our money on every trips and researching the places as well. However, she’s very good at organizing, like packing our stuffs and planning our trips. We can always rely on each other, removing some worries while staying in a foreign place.

5. Better communication
Traveling together is not a guarantee that you’ll never fight. There will always be misunderstandings or quarrels during travels but when both of you love the same thing, then it’s a good sign that agreeing on things will be much easier. Believe me, there’s no better way to improve communication with your partner than to travel together as both of you can learn how to argue less and talk things out when encountering a difficult situation.
Exploring the world with your partner is very life-changing and the time feels fast while you’re together so make the most out of it as you’ll never know when can you come back to these places again. Always be thoughtful to your partner, compromise, and remember why both of you are traveling in the first place – TO ENJOY AND RELAX! Honestly, what could be possibly better than traveling the world with the one you love?
I coudnt agree more.
You two make such a lovely couple
Awwweee <3 Thank you for that kind words, Wesley 🙂
True words, friends! We think traveling as a couple is the best thing ever. Because of that we know each other a lot better and creating memories together is fun. Ok, we do work together as well, but sharing the road together as well is awesome. Mikaela from dinkgo.com
Hello Mikaela! There’s no greater feeling than traveling with the one you love indeed! 🙂